Encuesta para los miembros de Netsquared Guatemala

NetSquared needs your brain! No, we’re not zombies. We’re conducting a survey of the community, and sharing your experience will help shape the future of NetSquared. Please take a few moments to tell us what we can do to serve you better.

As we shared previously, we’re re-evaluating our strategy and goals for the NetSquared program. Social innovation is gaining momentum globally, and the needs of our audience are changing. We want to learn from you how we can change for the better.

We are aiming to survey every single person who has ever touched NetSquared – from first time blog readers, to event attendees, Challenge participants, long-time community superstars, and everyone in between. We want to hear from you!

Please take 5-7 minutes to fill out our Community Survey. After doing so, you will be entered into a chance to win a brand new Kindle Fire!

To make sure your voice is heard, please complete the survey as soon as possible, but no later than October 31st.

If you have feedback for us, but prefer not to take a survey, please share your thoughts below, on Twitter via @NetSquared or by writing a blog post of your own to reflect publicly on your NetSquared experience.

Thanks in advance for helping to shape the future of NetSquared.


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