Global Leadership Council Meeting – January 2012 – NetSquared Global

Last week, Campus Tec in Guatemala participated in the GLC Meeting that took place via phone with the following participants:

Members of the NetSquared team who will be helping to support the Global Leadership Council this year:
Billy BicketSenior DirectorMeet Billy
Marc ManashilCommunity EvangelistMeet Marc
Claire SaleCommunity CuratorMeet Claire
Anka KuliberdaGlobal Community BuilderMeet Anka
Vanessa RhinesmithGLC OrganizerMeet Vanessa
This year’s Global Leadership Council Members:
Steven Flower :: Manchester, UK
April Kyle :: San Francisco, California, USA
Ivan Boothe :: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Aysegul Guzel :: Istanbul. Turkey
Eduardo Bejar :: Ecuador
Yudi Emmanuel :: Ivory Coast, Africa
John Wells :: Sydney, Australia
Maria Zaghi :: Guatemala City, Guatemala
Tierney Smith :: Toronto, Canada
Moorthi PV :: Silicon Valley
Eli van der Giessen :: Vancouver, Canada
Jessica Rohloff :: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

The agenda included the following topics:

 * Welcome 10 minutes
* Introductions 30 minutes
* Pledge and meeting norms 10 minutes
* Review key lessons from survey 30 minutes
* Meeting recap and next steps 10 minutes
It was an incredible meeting and a lot of very useful information was shared!  We are looking forward in NetSquared Guatemala to future events and we are very willing to collaborate in all activities.  Thank you so much for the invitation to participate. It`s an honor to be part of the Global Leadership Council.

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