Oportunidad de aplicar a beca – Girls@Tech – Campus TEC – ACM

En el Campus TEC existe un grupo experto de mujeres interesadas en tecnologia, que se reune regularmente.  Estamos tratando de ubicar alguna interesa en asistir en nuestro nombre con beca a este evento:

World’s largest celebration of women in computing; follow GHC 2011 on Twitter at #GHC11!

Grace Hopper Celebration 

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC 2011) annual conference is the world’s largest gathering of women in computing. Leading researchers present their current work, while special sessions focus on the role of women in today’s technology fields, including computer science, information technology, research and engineering. GHC 2011 will take place November 8 to 12 in Portland, Oregon. Scholarship applications are now open; the deadline is May 16. Registration opens June 6. Follow GHC 2011 on Twitter at #GHC11!

Mas información: http://www.acm.org/news/featured/ghc-2011-cfp o a incubadora@tec.com.gt

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