Visita de Autodesk al Campus Tec

El dia de ayer por cortesia de los señores de CGArmada tuvimos la agradable visita de Luis Hernandez que es  el Gerente regional de Ventas para Autodesk en Latino America y quien nos hizo las siguientes recomendaciones:

Vamos a seguir hablando con los señores de Autodesk para ver agendas comunes asi que si hay algun interesado favor escribirme a

Politica de Prensa – Campus Tec

Recomendacion de Kara Andrade:

Como escribir una

Que es una política de prensa

Consejos para escribir una

Ejemplos de politicas de prensa respecto a social media:

Managing and Security Assets of the Company

1) Information Management – information is an asset of the company and needs to be given its proper place as a policy (simply put ? make people know you recognize information is probably the most important asset of the company)

2) Information Security – What security means to “us” and high-level how we protect it (you are not allowed to send our customer list to a competitor and no they can have access to our systems)

3) Systems Development and Maintenance – Why and framework for buying/building systems and our expected level of quality (again on the asset front, what be buy/build are assets of the company and we need to manage them as such, including their quality).

4) Use of company-owned technology resources (assets and services) – this would include email/internet use as well as devices such as PDAs, laptops (no kids please), and telephone for example.

5) Use of employee-owned technology – this would take a position that the use of personal hardware/software is prohibited (hey, your cookbook software is crashing the network).

I highlight the term policies as they must be very succinct – down to the point – no fluffiness. Also, not to confuse policies (the what we believe) with procedures (the how we carry it out).

You should always have a section like this:

Oportunidades de empleo: Ergocom

1. Ingeniero o licenciado en sistemas (minimo pensum cerrado):
Experiencia minima de tres años en el desarrollo de aplicaciones con Oracle Developer 6i
Solidos conocimientos de lenguajes SQL y PL/SQL
Habilidades de comunicación, trabajo en equipo y con deseos de superación
2. Programador  de PHP y SQL.  (Medio Tiempo o Tiempo Completo)
 Se ofrece:  Remuneración competitiva de acuerdo a capacidad y experiencia, prestaciones de ley y beneficios adicionales, oportunidad de hacer carrera profesional a largo plazo la organización.
 Interesados enviar curriculum vitae a
Aprovecho para contarles que el Campus Tec salio en el NYTimes para los que no lo han visto –


Recomendación de los señores de Aleti:

An EU-Latin America international conference will take place in Brussels, on Monday and Tuesday 28 and 29 November 2011. ‘Fostering EU-Latin America ICT Policy Dialogue’ will be an important forum for European and Latin-American stakeholders of ICT research and innovation and EU-LAC cooperation to discuss strategies to intensify cooperation in Information and Communication Technologies. An expert and important attendance from Europe and Latin America including ministry and government representatives, universities, technological centres, research and innovation funding agencies, as well as industry and industry federations from each region interested in cooperation with Latin America and with Europe, is expected: Opened by the Ambassador of Chile in his capacity as the President of the Latin-American and the Caribbean countries in their dialogue with the European Union, ‘Fostering EU-Latin America ICT Policy Dialogue will feature as speakers the EU-LAC Senior Officials ICT working Group representatives and the Directors of Latin-American government research agencies (Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay, among others) as well as representatives from the European Commission and European Member States. A session is also planned at the European Parliament to showcase Latin-American technological excellences and ideas for cooperative research with Europe.

The conference is organized by the FORESTA project funded under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme to support R&D cooperation between Latin America and Europe in the field of ICT. In the last two years the FORESTA project has performed intense consultation with researchers, industry, policy makers and other stakeholders of research and innovation cooperation and has organised high-level policy conferences in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. Studies, recommendations and position papers in support of a Euro – Latin America coordinated strategy in ICT research have been produced. Building on these results and involving other projects and initiatives in this mission, ‘Fostering EU-Latin America ICT Policy Dialogue’aims to develop strategic recommendations in support of a reinforced EU-LA ICT cooperation that will be streamlined into a Joint Declaration to be presented to representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament and Latin-American governments and the press in the closing session of the event at the European Parliament.


For further information visit:

Oportunidad de Negocio – SW educativo en OpenERP

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Tenemos desarrollado un módulo académico para OpenERP totalmente personalizable a la realidad de la mayoría de instituciones educativas, además lo hemos integrado con Contabilidad y RRHH de manera que se puedan generar cobros automáticos como por ejemplo de matriculas u otros pagos que podrían existir dentro de las instituciones. Estamos buscando masificar el uso del módulo en latino América mediante empresas anclas que comercialicen servicios de implantación de OpenERP con nuestros módulos en varios países de manera que obtengamos beneficios mutuos. Si a ustedes les interesa llevar a cabo un proyecto de este tipo o tienen alguna otra idea en la que les podamos ser útiles estamos a su entera disposición.

PD: recientemente nuestra empresa ha logrado ser partner oficial de OpenERP junto con otras empresas dentro de la Organización OpenAlliance.