Archivo de la categoría: contenidos
Miles de #fuentes – gratis
10 sitios para descargar libros en español ¡Gratis!
#curriculums creativos y profesionales
El Día Mundial de la #PropiedadIntelectual – 26 de abril via @wipo
Summary – #GirlsinICT #Guatemala 2015
Organized by SIT in CaminoReal with our collaborators: Usac, Del Valle University Stem, Senacyt, USAC Women Institute, BMcomputacion, Junkabal, Fund. Tigo, MIcrosoft, Pixsell, WIE / IEEE Usac, Empresarios por la educacion, Claro, Galileo University, Centro Tics de Intecap and TEC
MakerBot’s @thingiverse – #design community
MakerBot’s Thingiverse is a thriving design community for discovering, making, and sharing 3D printable things. As the world’s largest 3D printing community, we believe that everyone should be encouraged to create and remix 3D things, no matter their technical expertise or previous experience. In the spirit of maintaining an open platform, all designs are encouraged to be licensed under aCreative Commons license, meaning that anyone can use or alter any design.
Favor seguir a @spacehuntergt para votar por ellos a nivel mundial para #spaceapps via @libertopolis
Felicitaciones por el reportaje en Libertopolis:
Las bici máquinas que son furor en #Guatemala via @periodismo
Intervencion creativa en #Colombia – #innovacion
Ganador de Guatemala en el X TIC Americas via @YABTs
Felicitaciones a Digital Parners, Daniel y su equipo por el premio de:
Mayan Pitz
Emprendimiento Cultural de las Americas
Mas info:
Davie teen’s project coming to fruition in Guatemala
#Spaceapps International Challenge – 2015 – #Guatemala – summary
New book from the author of:
#Spaceapps #guatemala lanzamiento en #usac
#Spaceapps #Guatemala – Preview of our trophy
#spaceapps #guatemala #nasa visit to #Campustec
Thank you John for you visit and help in our event.
A little bit about him:
His speech tomorrow:
John Sprague, Deputy of the Tech & Innovation Division at NASA HQ and an End User Architect. I’m a retired Air Force Officer before coming to NASA 6 years ago. And I teach Masters courses in Cybersecurity at Webster University.
Truly an honor to be in Guatemala. As I flew in Thursday Night I saw your city. es una cuidad muy bella!
Space Apps Challenge inception in 2012, a part of NASA’s Open Innovation Program
Biggest global hackathon
2014 Space Apps more than 8,000 citizens of 46 countries, and 95 cities hosted local events. Products: mobile apps, games and hardware.
Themes: Earth, Outer Space, Humans and Robotics. This year I’m predicting we’ll hit 10,000 participants in the 136 locations around the world.
Purpose: 1. leverage massive datasets and open source tech, 2. unlock the power of government data to help innovation, 3. provide NASA and others with new and innovative approaches to problem-solving, 4. build a community that we can tap into, 5. engage more women in data
Convert to Spanish, see translation at the bottom to see if it’s correct:
The International Space Apps Challenge is an unprecedented international collaboration between government agencies, organizations and academic institutions from around the world.
The event draws on the talents and initiative of people from around the world, who volunteer their time to respond to real-world problems.
Several organizations and universities, including the U.S. Department of the Interior, the European Space Agency, MIT and Columbia University have provided challenges that encourage people to use open data to make useful products. Some of these organizations are hosting events as part of Space Apps.
The success of Space Apps relies on local organizers around the world, like Ms Maria Zaghi, who leverage contributions from hundreds of organizations that contribute expertise, financial resources, and in-kind support at the community level. We should all thank your local sponsors: TEC, USAC, Tigo, Columbus, and Cerveceria Centro Americana. We want to encourage the youth of the world to participate in events like this.
Intel predicts Moore’s Law to last another 10 years via @V3_co_uk
Intel innovation strategist Steve Brown tried to claim that Moore’s Law was responsible for most of the advances in the digital age, from personal computers to supercomputers used for medical research to discover new treatments.
“If you look at the very first Intel microprocessor, the 4004 from 1971, today’s transistors have 3,500 times the performance, run 90,000 times more efficiently and we are able to make them at 60,000 times lower cost,” he said.
“If none of that had happened, an Intel-based Android phone would have a processor the size of a parking space.”
Audio Noticias via @picaspi – Top 10 de #emprendimiento
Hola Picasper!
Estas son las Picas más interesantes de los últimos días.
Por si te perdiste alguna puedes escucharla aquí:
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