Thank you to all our participants and the people that contributed via e-mail and Web. This was a very important event for us and here are our conclusions for the meeting:
How can innovation stimulate your local economy?
In Guatemala for the agricultural sector, we are very interested in stimulating innovation but specially in promoting the interest of our innovators to work in areas such as the traditional ancestral areas. Mayans used very interesting methods for watering, elevated harvests and even water purification systems that were very effective and that do not contaminate.and can significantly increase the nutrition and food capacity in the country.
We are also very interested in continue to promote our local young talent in innovative projects in our national entrepreneurship agenda.
We think that by stimulating innovation in these two areas we can really have a positive income in our economy.
How can technology make your government more open?
By facilitating access to technology, specially in rural areas in Guatemala, we have organized civil society groups and communities that can access government services mores easily helping the transparency and the collaboration and participation agendas of our open government agenda.
Guatemala has very good telecommunication networks, cell phones and connectivity reach the most remote regions. This combined with the fact that over 60% of our population are young people, can really be key for the use of open data that will contribute in the short term for the incidence in public policy specially related to health, education and infrastructure.
How can online communities help build healthier societies?
We find that online communities are key in order to build healthier societies.
We believe that many security, health and education problems in Guatemala are linked to the low level of access to information.
Also online communities have been used effectively in the past for training, sensibilization (SMS health campaigns, telemedicine and others).
Finally we believe that these online communities with the use of a national survey system using technology can provide our government with statistics and indicators to focus public policy on important issues. Problems related to nutrition, education, water, and security could then be easily mapped for better incidence.
Finally, we believe that online communities of young people in Guatemala are key for the open government and open society agenda and we encourage all efforts that will give them a voice using technology.
Campus Tec –
http://tec.com.gt/ (representatives of 100 companies and 300 e-projects in Guatemala for different sectors / @mzaghi – Maria Zaghi)
Congreso Transparente –
http://congresotransparente.org/(an organization powered by young Guatemalan talents that are leaders in the open government/data agenda, specially in the legislative branch).
A group of representatives of our young Guatemalan e-talent agenda:
Michelle Gonzalez Godoy – @michicosas
Nicolle Jacobs – @nicollejc
Juan Carlos Queme – @floyd_juanca
Reference G-Everyone meeting: http://mashable.com/2013/05/17/g-everyone/
Our Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Guatemala-NetSquared-Meetup/events/120136722/