@MejoremosGuate: Gracias por invitar al Campus Tec al #ANDHgt

Gracias a Fundesa por la invitación el día de hoy al evento de informe de avance de los 6 meses después de la firma de la Agenda Nacional de Desarrollo Humano de Guatemala. Mas información:




#Guatemala – fondos para innovación en educación

Alguien aplicar a un premio de hasta US$100,000 para innovación en educación?

Favor avisarnos a asociacion@tec.com.gt


We seek technology-based innovations that support improvements in reading skills with a focus on outcomes in the following focus areas:

  1. Mother tongue instruction and reading materials
  2. Family and community engagement
  3. Children with disabilities

#Guatemala – Portal de e-educacion

Estamos buscando alguna empresa o persona que tenga una herramienta para el tema de e-educación ya desarrollada para referirlos a un proyecto/donante internacional.

Nota: Le damos prioridad a los miembros de la AsocTecGT pero si no hay candidatos allí tomamos en cuenta las externas.  Para los que se interesen en ser miembros:



La página de la empresa es http://www.designmate.com/  en español http://www.designmate.com.mx/


Descargas en español:

Eureka Mono demo link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Eureka.inShare/Eureka-DemoCD-Latin_SpanishOct2012.rar (600 MB).

Descargas en 3D:

Eureka 3DS (top bottom) demo link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Eureka.inShare/Latin-Spanish-demo-DVD-March2013.rar (4 GB).


Downloadable links for Eureka English Demo. English.



Eureka Product tour (720p resolution) – https://s3.amazonaws.com/Eureka.inShare/AEP_Product_Tour.zip (207 MB)

The tour gives you a brief idea about our company, Designmate and explains the functionality of Eureka product in detail.

40 websites to make you smarter

khanacademy.org – Watch thousands of micro-lectures on topics ranging from history and medicine to chemistry and computer science.

freerice.com – Help end world hunger by correctly answering multiple-choice quizzes on a wide variety of subjects.

whizzpast.com– Learn about our awe inspiring past all in one wonderful place.


artofmanliness.com – Blog/site dedicated to all things manly, great for learning life skills and good insights.

unplugthetv.com – Randomly selects an educational video for you to watch.

coursera.org – Educational site that works with universities to get their courses on the Internet, free for you to use.

conversations.nokia.com – Learn about the world’s most innovative smartphones and future mobile tech.

lizardpoint.com – A collection of browser-based games and the like to improve knowledge of geography, math, and such.

ted.com – Collection of TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) talks in which knowledgeable speakers address a variety of topics in short videos (< 18 minutes)

lifehacker.com – Learn to hack life! Tips and tricks for improving all areas of your life.

lifehackninja.com – Recently started life hack site that offers lists of useful knowledge

good.is/infographics – Collection of infographics which showcase useful information in an easy to digest visual format.

mathrun.net – Practice your basic maths skills with a simple game.

Litro.co.uk – All you need to know about the wonderful world of books and writing.

justinguitar.com – Hundreds of free guitar lessons as well as some basic music theory.

duolingo.com – Learn a new language for free while helping to translate the web.

memrise.com – Learn things quickly and efficiently with flashcards that are spaced based on the spacing effect

cookingforengineers.com – A site containing one man’s explorations in food, with step by step instructions for making a wide variety of dishes.

thedatingspecialist.com – A weekly blog run by a professional dating coach, offers advice on a wide variety of relationship topics.

zenhabits.net – Blog about improving your life by making it simpler.

nerdfitness.com – Fitness resource for the average person.

mentalfloss.com – Interesting articles guaranteed to make you smile and get you thinking.

openculture.com – Compendium of free learning resources, including courses, textbooks, and videos/films.

charitynavigator.org – Site dedicated to reviewing charities so you can easily research any you’re interested in.

lettersofnote.com – Their tagline says it all: “Correspondence deserving of a wider audience”

thedailymiscellany.com – A daily dose of useful knowledge, quotes, and other random things.

MIT Open Courseware – Free access to quite a few MIT courses that are on par with what you’d expect from MIT.

codecademy.com – Website packed with introductory courses for various programming languages and web technologies.

investopedia.com – Learn about the world of finance, from basic terminology to in depth analysis of various areas of investing.

udacity.com – Free courses mainly focused around mathematics and programming. Aimed at people of all skill levels.

lang-8.com – Write posts in a language you’re trying to learn, get them critiqued by a native speaker (and in turn help that native speaker learn your language)!

careerbuilder.com – Job hunting site to help you find a new career.

ureddit.com – Reddit’s very own University. Learn from redditors, or try to teach them.

engineerguy.com – Collection of videos in which Bill breaks down various feats of engineering in layman’s terms.

zooniverse.org – Take part in a huge variety of interesting studies of nature, science, and culture.

quora.com – Ask questions you’re curious about, answer those you’re knowledgeable about. Tailor your own feed to fit what interests you.

thenewboston.org – A fascinating collection of videos and tutorials related to maths and computer science.

aldaily.com – Aggregation of articles from various higher education journals and publications.

noexcuselist.com/everything – A huge list of awesome sites to learn from.

livemocha.com – Community dedicated to the idea of everyone being fluent in multiple languages, teach or be taught another language with the goal of conversational fluency.

simplesciencefitness.com – Breaks down the science behind fitness into layman’s terms.

#Guatemala #UVG Visita de #Enactus a la clase de #emprendimiento

https://www.facebook.com/ENACTUSdelValleGT?fref=ts su pagina de FB

Sus proyectos:





#Guatemala – VII Conferencia Internacional GUIDE – 10 y 11 de abril

Les informamos sobre la VII Conferencia Internacional GUIDE que se celebrará en Guatemala en Universidad Panamericana los días 10 y 11 de abril de 2014, con el propósito de analizar las distintas soluciones que cada país ha elaborado en el ámbito educativo para garantizar que la modernización y la innovación tecnológica se desarrollen respetando las singularidades del territorio y promuevan el desarrollo del país y constituirse en una plataforma de colaboración entre instituciones de América Latina y profesionales expertos del resto del mundo para favorecer el intercambio de conocimiento, experiencia y mejores prácticas.

La VII Conferencia Internacional: tiene por título general: “Cultura en la modernización global: El papel de la educación a distancia”, y como subtemas:


1.       La educación a distancia: una estrategia para el desarrollo

2.       La formación a distancia al encuentro del mercado laboral local y global

3.       La calidad como puerta de acceso al sistema educativo internacional.

4.       Innovación tecnológica y didáctica y sus implicaciones sociales.

5.       Vicios y Virtudes de la aplicación de OER y MOOC a la enseñanza formal.

Para mayor información visite: http://www.guideassociation.org/7internationalconference_2014/index.php/es/


#Guatemala – Escuela de Arjona en El Progreso

Felicitaciones de parte del Campus Tec a los señores del Fundacion DECA por estar apoyando este proyecto de Arjona!

