Taller – Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Educación – Guatemala

Empresarios por la Educacion llevo a cabo el 15 de marzo de 2012 en el Hotel Princess Reforma de  8:30 – 13:00 horas el taller con la siguiente agenda de trabajo que incluyo el tema de tecnologia con Funsepa, COED y Claro y la conectividad de las escuelas:


Hora Actividad Responsable  
8:30 – 8:45 Apertura Inés Torrebiarte de Bolaños, Empresarios por la Educación, ExE Guatemala

Verónica Spross de Rivera, ExE Guatemala

Istar Gómez, Programa Alianzas Empresa-Educación, PREAL /Fundación DIS

Bloque I:

Una mirada a la participación del sector privado en la educación en el contexto latinoamericano

8:45 – 9:15 Presentación Inversión del Sector Privado Caso Valle del Cauca una mirada desde el Capítulo ExE Colombia  

Viviana Echeverri, Directora Ejecutiva

Capítulo ExE Valle del Cauca /Colombia

9:15 – 9:45 Presentación “Guía Opciones de Inversión Social Privada de Naturaleza Empresarial en Educación Básica” una mirada a América Latina  

Istar Gómez PREAL-PAEE / Fundación DIS

9:45 – 10:00 Espacio para preguntas Inés Torrebiarte de Bolaños, integrante de la Junta Directiva de Empresarios por la Educación / Grupo Cobán
10:00 – 10:15 Coffee Break  
Bloque II:

Las prácticas educativas lideradas por el sector educativo en Guatemala: Avances, aprendizajes y retos

10:15 – 10:35 Empresarios por la Educación: Lecciones aprendidas del Mapeo de Inversión Privada. Proyectos Institucionales para fortalecer la calidad educativa. Licda. Verónica Spross de Rivera

Directora Ejecutiva, ExE Guatemala

10:35 – 10:45 Proyectos Institucionales de apoyos puntuales a escuelas del país
  1. Fundación Azteca – Licda. Maribel Rincón de Castro, Brigada Nacional de Limpieza
  2. Mineduc- ExE – USAID Alianzas –  Licda. María José Matheu, Distribución de libros de texto a las escuelas
10:50 – 12:00 Programas de apoyo a la calidad educativa en Guatemala Moderadora: Christa Bollmann, Consultora

En panel:

  1. Fundación Carlos F. Novella – Licda. Cristiana de Amenábar, Directora Ejecutiva
  2. Telefónica – Licda. María Isabel Lobo, Relaciones Públicas
  3. * Fundación Pantaleón – Lic. Miguel Gaitán, Director Ejecutivo
  4. Ingenio la Unión – Lic. Fernando Letona, Gerente de Recursos Humanos


12:00 – 12:50 “La Tecnología en la Educación en Guatemala” Moderadora: María Mercedes Zaghi, Consultora

En panel:

1. Funsepa – Licda. Jessica Hammer, Directora Ejecutiva

2.   COED – Lic. Howard Lobb, Director Ejecutivo

3. Claro – Licda. Litza Escobar, Gerente de Relaciones Públicas

12:50 – 13:00 Conclusiones finales y cierre ExE Guatemala  


Proposed agenda – TechCamp Guatemala – Education


Centro TICs/Intecap

Agenda for TechCamp: Guatemala- Day 1

Friday, July 13th.

9:00-9:30 Registration, networking, coffee and tea
9:30-9:35 Welcome to TechCamp Guatemala

US Embassy Guatemala or VicePresidency

9:35-9:45 What is TechCamp and Why do I care?

Britannie Anderson – e-diplomacy – , United States Department of State

9:45-10:30 Interactive Plenary: Exploring Perspectives

Kara Andrade – HablaGuate / Maria Zaghi – Campus Tec

10:30-10:45 Break


10:45-11:45       Fast-paced Project Presentations



#1: Artegnos, trabajo en diseño instruccional y cursos e-Learning Lidia Guerra – Campus Tec
#2: Uso de Creative Commmons en Educacion Maria Isabel Carrascosa – Creative Commons Guatemala
#3:Educacion 2.0 Maria Quezada – Fundacion Rose
#4: Alfabetizacion Digital en Polochic David – Kando

Lichutam/Northeastern University

#5: La tecnología y el proceso de enseñanza y por competencias Jaime Reyes / Byron Lopez


#6: Software Libre para Maestros y Estudiantes Julio Gonzalez –  Argos
#7: Proyectos de e-educacion  con el Depto. De Estados Unidos y Guatemala Mario Morales – Funrural
#8: Proyectos de e-educacion de UVG (Abejotas) Douglas Barrios – UVG
#9:  Educacion multilingue en Guatemala Matias Gutierrez -Enlace Quiche
#10: Politica educativa y tecnologia Veronica Spross – Empresarios por la educacion
#11: Tecnologia para Educar Jessica Hammer –  Funsepa
#12: Proyectos educativos  en apoyo a Mineduc Mario Torre – COED

11:45-11:55       Plenary Session


11:55-12:45       Small Group Topical Breakout Discussions



#1: Designing Mobile Education Programs in Rural Areas Jimmy Palma GIZ
#2: Measurement and Evaluation Veronica Spross – Empresarios por la educacion
#3: Multi Language Learning Options Matias Gutierrez – Enlace Quiche
#4: Taking Advantage of Learning Networks Jessica Hammer – Funsepa
#5: Uncovering Education Data through Mapping Mario Torres – COED
#6: How to Transform the Classroom and content for rural areas Maria Quezada – Fundación Rose
#7: Using Games for Learning Wendy Ruiz – Campus Tec
#8: Improving Children’s use of Technology Lidia Guerra – Campus Tec
#9: Learning Communities w/students and educators Jaime Reyes – Mineduc
#10: Teacher Development Douglas Barrios- UVG

12:45-13:45       Lunch

13:45-13:55       Plenary

13:55-15:00       Interactive Training Stations

Topic Number

Tech Facilitator

#1 Mobile for Management: Using FrontlineSMS to Manage Schools
#2 Setting up Learning Communities for Effective Learning
#3 Collaborative Project Development for Learning
#4 Developing Mobile Education Learning Options
#5 Learn to Make Maps for Education Data
#6 Designing Online Learning
#7 Making OLPC effective
#8 Teaching Children Programming

15:00-15:20       Afternoon break
15:20-15:30       Plenary


15:30-16:20       Small Group Work on Brainstorming Problems

Station Number


#1 Mobile Learning Options
#2 Assessment and Measurement
#3 Collaborative Project Development
#4 Learning Communities w/students and educators
#5 Mobile Language Learning
#6 Mapping Options
#7 Improving Children’s use of Technology
#8 How to Transform the Classroom and Content in Rural Areas
#9 Using games for learning
#10 Teacher Development

16:20-16:30       Briefs on Brain Storming Sessions
16:30-17:00       Presenting the Results of the Brainstorming Session
18:00-20:00      Happy hour  – Campus Tec


Agenda for TechCamp: Guatemala – Day 2

Saturday, July 14th.

9:00-9:30       Registration, networking, coffee and tea

9:30-9:35       Opening Plenary Kara Andrade – HablaGuate / Maria Zaghi – Campus Tec

10:00-11:15       Small Groupwork on Identifying Solutions

Topic Number

#1 How can we use technology to improve monitoring and evaluation systems, in terms of formative assessment information, timing and feedback, ease of input/use and cost?
#2 How to use SMS in rural areas with indigenous communities to monitor and evaluate the project development and management life-cycle (data collection, measurement indicators, analysis, needs assessment, monitoring, impact evaluation)
#3 How can teachers, administrators and parents in  Guatemala take advantage of large scale online learning communities to maximize impact of different IT-based education initiatives in  Guatemala?
#4 How can we use SMS to include parents in the education process (homework, news, events)
#5 How do we create a network of horizontal cooperation between Latin American countries to share good and bad practices in the use of ICT in Education?
#6 How can technology help improve math, science and English Language acquisition levels in Latin America for K-12?
#7 How can we improve literacy and numeracy within marginalized populations and rural areas in Latin America including afro-descendants and indigenous?
#8 Can data visualization of education data help us to be more efficient while providing better situational awareness to people working in the education space
#9 Policy Question: How can we work with the ICT industry, social media platform companies to better meet the needs of parents, society and teachers, promote the good use of technology and encourage better content development?
#10 Policy Question: How can we leverage technology to improve professional development and training for teachers to ensure they meet the appropriate competencies and skills to teach our kids?
#11 Policy Question: For rural schools in Ecuador without internet connectivity or funding, what technology options should we try improve education, and then how can we share this approach across the country?
#12 Policy Question: How can we awaken interest in educators (teachers) to pursue online professional training, and socialize ICT activities within the entire education community?

11:15-11:30       Break

11:30-12:10       Small Group Discussions Continued

12:10-13:10       Lunch

13:10-13:40       Final Small Group Discussions

13:40-14:10       Final Presentations

14:10-14:40       Capstone Discussions

14:40-14:45       Acknowledgements

14:45-14:55       Call to Action and Closing Remarks


Invitación a convocatoria del Premio Maestro 100 Puntos 2012

Empresarios por la Educación y las entidades auspiciadoras se complacen en invitarles a la convocatoria del Premio Maestro 100 Puntos 2012.  Se llevará a cabo el miércoles 14 de marzo a las 11:00 horas en el Auditórium del Museo de los Niños (5a. calle 10-00 zona 13).  Habrá parqueo disponible en el Museo.
Agradeceremos confirmar su asistencia a este correo electrónico o al teléfono 2362-3210.