#Guatemala #spaceapps – We are hacking in @delVallegt @sitgt

Foto hacking abril 2014

We are in Universidad del Valle with almost 150 hackers, guests and collaborators for the challenge this year.  The launching was amazing and our Superintendent of Communications, Eddy Padilla was here to inaugurate our event.  Thanks to all our sponsors and collaborators:

Organizadores: Universidad del Valle. Campus Tecnológico

Patrocinadores: Telefónica. 4 acertijos, mBau3D, PDV ,Burgath, Misión Espacial Guatemala.

Voluntarios: IEEE/USAC/UVG, Enactus UVG., Aiesec. Tugo , Red Ciudadana

If anyone in Guatemala, wants to come and visit us tomorrow, please look at:



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