Mini-Mundi – Milkncookies – ganador de Premio WSA a nivel mundial en e-entretenimiento

Se anunciaron ya los ganadores a nivel mundial del Premio WSA 2011 y nos es muy grato en hacerles saber que uno de los ganadores es Mini Mundi de una de las empresas ubicadas en el Campus Tec, Milkncookies en la categoria de e-entretenimiento.   Felicitaciones!

Información  adicional a: o la pagina de Facebook: Premio WSA Guatemala


The World Summit Award was launched as part of the United Nations Summit on the Information Society in 2003 and which is the unique global competition for recognition as the best in e-Content and Creativity.

The World Summit Award Grand Jury met in Hong Kong, SAR China,from April 8-14 bringing together eminent multimedia and e-Content experts from 32 countries.

The jury evaluated over 460 entries, which were nominated from 105 UN member states to the global WSA. The jury selected the five most outstanding products in each of the eight WSA categories as winners.

The official public celebration of the winners will take place at the WSA 2011 Gala which will take palce most likely in the last quater of this year in Cairo, Egypt.

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