#Pechakucha cumplio 13 años

#Pechakucha cumplio 13 años

Si quieres participar en los eventos de Pechakucha, favor visitar:


Mas info:

Today, February 20th, 2016, PechaKucha Night is stronger than ever, in an amazing 900 cities around the world, with over 100 events taking place each month, attended annually by well over 250,000 million people.

900 Cities – Global Map
100 Events a Month – Global Calendar
6000 Presentations Online – Global Presentation Archive
1000 Amazing Posters -Global Poster Archives
We look forward to many more happy and creative PechaKucha adventures around the the world with you the future – he’s to another lucky 13 years!

Astrid Klein & Mark Dytham, PechaKucha Night Founders
Johnny Linnert, Mariko Yokogi & Brian Scott Peterson, PechaKucha HQ Tokyo


Pechakucha logo chico

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