#Spaceapps International Challenge – 2015 – #Guatemala – summary

Message from the international organizers:
Space Apps 2015 was on of the most incredible events in the history of hacking!  Over 12,500 participants in more than 60 countries created almost 1,000 projects!  In addition to these numbers, we heard stories from around the world of wonderful collaborations, integration of many new members (including kids and teens) into your local communities, and in keeping with this year’s theme of Women in Data–an increase in the participation of women and girls both in the hacking and in the leadership of your local events.
All that incredible innovation, learning and enthusiasm is due to your efforts.  On behalf of NASA, we want to express our deep appreciation for your dedicated work over the past few months in making Space Apps possible.
On the Guatemala event here is what we have and we were a trending topic for the country on Sunday:
Our story:

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