A unique Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship initiative de MIT

Gracias Jose Kont de Ilifebelt:

Se  trata de una  iniciativa  del MIT  “ A unique Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship initiative”  para los siguientes sectores:

 Health Technologies (HT):Projects or companies related to biotechnology, therapeutics, medical devices, biomaterials, healthcare IT, diagnostics and instrumentation.

Smart Cities (SC): Projects or companies related to energy and transportation with a focus on renewable energy including unexplored sources and Smart city enabling technologies.

Information Technology and the Web (IT & Web): Projects or companies focusing on making the lives of individuals and businesses easier or more efficient by offering Information Technologies and web-based solutions to specific needs.

Consumer Products and Services (P&S): Projects or companies aiming at satisfying a broad array of consumer and business needs, ranging from new engineering materials, water technologies, processes for high-tech consumer applications.

Mas informacion: http://mitportugal-iei.org/ .

Requisitos: http://mitportugal-iei.org/index.php/us/templates-a-examples


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