Buscamos jovenes para representar #guatemala en evento de #UN #UIT – 31 de agosto

Buscamos jovenes para representar #guatemala en evento de #UN #UIT – 31 de agosto

From August 10-31, the UN welcomes young people from all around the world to submit their take on the importance of digital cooperation in the 21st century and what youth-specific challenges they hope digital cooperation could solve. Young people will be doing this by sharing a video of 90 seconds, under one of the three themes outlined below:

1. Connect: addressing the urgency to achieve universal connectivity

2. Respect: upholding human rights in the digital age

3. Protect: combatting cyberattacks and online harms, including child online risks.

Participants must be young people between the ages of 15 and 29. All submissions should be registered through the FORM provided, or here https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbR0iztfiATTpJuMQ2thGRcMFURVlIQkM4VEhUM0tFMEJXTktMR0FWQTFDTy4u

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