#CampusTec invita a WSA Mobile en Abu Dahbi donde tenemos varios nominados guatemaltecos!

Meet Excellence in Mobile Content | Abu Dhabi, Feb. 3-5, 2013

Please bookmark February 3rd-5th in your calender. WSA-mobile and hosting partner ADSIC cordially invite you to a journey into the fascinating world of mobile apps – at the WSA-mobile Global Congress 2013 in Abu Dhabi: Find out what mobile devices can do to make your life easier and safer. Meet experts, industry leaders and UN-representatives at a global conference. Celebrate the Winners of this year’s global WSA-mobile contest at an unforgettable gala evening in Abu Dhabi.

For more information about the WSA-mobile Global Congress 2013, key speakers and program highlights, please visithttp://events.wsa-mobile.org/


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