Gracias por su interes…para aplicar necesitamos que por favor manden un correo a asociacion@tec.com.gt con la siguiente informacion para poder nominarles:
Numero de carnet vigente del Tec:
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Contact Email – Must be their Google Account email address (@gmail or Google Apps account email)
This must be a Google Account email so they can redeem their credits
Do you comply with the Startup Eligibility Requirements?
Less than 5 years old (Yes / No)
Less than $5 million in funding (Yes / No)
Less than $500,000 in annual revenue (Yes / No)
Has not received a previous Cloud Platform credit package from Google (Yes / No)
If you are a startup that has over $5 million in funding or greater than $500,000 in revenue, please let us know.
Mas informacion del programa que apoya el Tec de Google: