Convocatoria: Beca para Telecomunicaciones OEA

Regulatory and Privatization Issues in Telecommunications
Oferta: 2 becas disponibles.
Oferente: Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)
1) To understand the changing regulatory philosophy as we participate in the dynamic worldwide telecommunications environment, including development of the necessary considerations that need to be given in responding to those changes.
2) to develop, with high-level regulatory managers from developing nations, methods of grappling with privatization and other related deregulatory issues in managing their organizations in an effective, efficient market driven manner.
Recepción de solicitudes: del mié 07-mar-2012 al vie 25-may-2012
Fechas del curso: del lun 23-jul-2012 al vie 27-jul-2012
Dirigido a:
Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Law or Engineering. Policy makers and regulatory managers working in aspects related to the program of the course with at least three (3) years of experience.
Application Process:
1. Select the course:

2. After having read the course information thoroughly, click “Continue/Continuar” at the end of the page.

3. Complete application form.

4. After completing application form click “Send / Enviar” at the end of the page 5.

5. A copy of the application form will be sent automatically to your e-mail account.

6. Print and sign application form e-mailed to your account.

7. Submit signed form and required documents with Professional Development Scholarships Forms & Documents to the National Liaison Office (ONE) in your country.

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