Massive Change Network Call for Applications via @BEMASSIVECHANGE #Guatemala


Anyone interested in Guatemala?

We are building the creative capacity of the Massive Change Network. We are looking for design thinkers, such as engineers, robotics designers, data visualizers, mathematicians, artists, filmmakers, musicians, 2D/3D designers, project managers, architects, etc. Knowledge of Keynote, Adobe Creative Suite, Rhino and/or CAD is a plus. This application is not limited to those with experience in the design field because we understand that design is in our everyday lives.
Application Process
We are running a series of free design thinking seminars over the next few months. If you want to learn about the 24HRS2MC® methodology, or sharpen and share your design skills, or possibly participate in project opportunities*, either as a full-time employee or as a freelance collaborator, submit your website with your portfolio and/or resume to Please share your views on why design thinking matters to you.


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* 3+3=?