Después de Semana Santa iniciaremos las famosas “pitch meetings” con los emprendedores y empresarios que ya son parte de la incubadora. Si alguno de Uds. esta interesa en participar, favor avisar a
Información adicional del tema para referencia:
What Are Pitch Meetings?
Pitch meetings are informal sessions at which business ideas are presented with the idea of determining whether or not the idea merits further attention. At every pitch session we have a panel composed of both entrepreneurs and investors. The entrepreneurs provide feedback on the feasibility of the business plan and the persuasiveness of the pitch itself. Investors in the room are prepared to make investments and also have extensive contacts in the venture capital and angel community.
A short slide presentation is often conducted during which the presenter discusses the idea and its potential market, possible competitors, information about the founders, and the amount of capital required to bring the idea to fuller commercialization. Presenters typically have 10 minutes to pitch their idea, after which there is a 20 minute Q&A with the panel. The pitch meetings generally consist of three to five teams pitching their ideas in front of the other teams and panelists. Projectors, whiteboards and flip charts are available for use by presenters. For ideas that deserve further attention, follow on due diligence sessions may be scheduled.
Additional Tips:
la fecha y hora de la reunion??? me imagino que sera en el Edificio TEC.
6 de mayo a las 10 y media am…en la 701
YO les aviso a los que ya son miembros de la incubadora…esto es mas para otros posibles interesados fuera de nuestra red…feliz feriado..MM
Como puedo ser parte de la incubadora y participar en este evento??
puedes llegar el proximo martes a las 11 am para ver si te interesa..sino aca va la info de la incubadora para inscribirte: