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Objective ICT-2011.10.3 : International partnership building and support to dialogues
Target outcomea) Support to dialogues and cooperation with strategic partner countries and regions, to create cooperative research links between European organisations and partners in third countriesThe aim is to support dialogues between the European Commission and strategic partner countries and regions, and to increase cooperation with strategic third countries and third country organisations in collaborative ICT R&D both within FP7 and under third country programmes. This could include in particular:– the identification and analysis of ICT research priorities in third countries, and the provision of recommendations for future co-operation initiatives, including e.g. coordinated calls, and the facilitation of access of European organisations to third country programmes,– the organisation of events synchronised with dialogue meetings, providing input and follow-up for example on common R&D priorities, opportunities and challenges,– the strengthening of cooperative research links between European organisations and relevant organisations in third countries, with the aim of establishing strategic partnerships,Targeted countries/regions: ACP, Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, High Income Countries, Latin America, Mediterranean Partner Countries and West Balkan Countries.b) Enable Partnership building in low and middle income countriesThe aim is to leapfrog from traditional promotion support action projects and launch a set of targeted research projects (STREP/SICAs) addressing at the same time technology and business model innovations. Specific technological targets could include for example lowcost technologies, technologies promoting or enabling use of ICT, intuitive user interfaces and local content provisioning.Targeted countries: Low and middle income countries including AfricaExpected impact• Reinforcement of strategic partnerships with selected countries and regions in areas ofmutual interest and added value in jointly addressing important issues.• Reinforced international dimension of the EU ICT research programme and higher levelof international cooperation with low and middle income countries in ICT R&D with afocus on areas where the EU has a comparative advantage and where there are newleadership opportunities for Europe.Activities under this objective should be covered in balanced partnership with relevant thirdcountry organisations. Consortia are strongly encouraged to include, as appropriate, leadingresearch centres/universities, relevant industry representation, third country multipliers (e.g.national research authorities/agencies), communication specialists and/or experienced marketresearch organisations.Funding schemesa): CSA (Support Actions)b): STREP/SICAIndicative budget distribution10Total EUR 6 million, of which EUR 4 million for part a) and EUR 2 million for part b)Callsa) FP7-ICT-2011-7b) FP7-ICT-2011-9
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