NetSquared is a nonprofit organization focused on the intersection of technology and social impact, and the entrepreneurs and innovators around the world who work in that intersection. We provide a Community Blog where anyone can share projects or ideas. We also host innovation competitions throughout the year. The NetSquared Local groups, like the one you can set up, help bring local communities together offline to find out about the work happening locally, share ideas, learn together, and collaborate.
Campus Tec in Guatemala in one of NetSquared local groups that focuses in promoting free of cost events on technologies for social impact. Each group has access to the the platform with all its functionality that allows members to join, share pictures and files, communicate in forums, email all members, and most importantly schedule events.)
The Guatemala-NetSquared group started in March of 2011. since our technology park, Campus Tec, also started recently in August, 2010. So far, we have been able to organize 11 meetings that deal with different topics of e-development: e-learning, e-government, e-commerce, e-incubation among others. (Please look at our past events in )
Our latest event took place on Campus Tec on September 22nd. in our 205 Meeting Room and it was called: Reunion del e-cluster de Esquipulas, Digital Solutions World
We had very interesting guests: 4 e-entrepreneurs from the e-cluster in Esquipulas, Digital Solutions World, 2 more entrepreneurs from our business incubator, Gabriel Miron and Ricardo Burbano, Karen Lopez representing one of the companies in the park, Vlack, 2 of our interns, Cintia Mendez and Phillip Galvez and our distinguished panelists.
This are our Esquipulas contacts:
Myno Noguera |
Uferlos Design |
Edwin Yanes |
Filosofia y Mas |
Sergio Juarez |
Imágenes Audiovisuales |
Gerber Martinez |
Go Media Group |
Renata Vidal |
Creative On Top |
Maria del Rosario Veliz |
Rous Veliz |
Jorge Lionardo Ardon |
JL Creative |
Our agenda was as follows:
Maria Zaghi from the business incubator in Campus Tec gave the welcome words. Mr. Eugenio Fernandez, a very well-know businessman gave an initial talk about the financing of e-projects and tips as to how to handle the financial decisions of a company using an Excel based simulator. Ms. Alcira Garcia form the Technology Foundation in Guatemala, Funtec, gave an interesting talk about how to form Science and Techno logy clubs for kids and youngsters. The idea is to franchise those activities with different groups located in rural Guatemala, such as Digital Solution World.

During lunch we had a visit from Mr. Alejandro de Leon from the Vice-President office gave us a very interesting demonstration of the new transparency portal of the Guatemalan Government, and we made arrangements for collaborating in future joint projects related to the clustering efforts reducing the digital gap in rural communities with the e-government agenda.
Mr. Guillermo Alfonso from CorporacionSAT also visited us for a few minutes to show us his latest product form his company, Cybertec, the new Guatemalan tablet.

The final presentation was done by Mr. Luis Penados who is also part of the Campus Tec business incubator and he shared his ideas as to now the Silicon Valley strategy is being established in Guatemala.
If you want to know more about the Guatemala-NetSquared group and its events please look at: or contact us at