Programa de #spaceapps #Nasa #Guatemala 2023 via #inversionydesarrollo
Archivo de la etiqueta: #spaceapps
Felicitaciones al equipo #SereneScape por mención honorífica en #hackathon #NASA #spaceapps 2023
Felicitaciones al equipo #SereneScape por mención honorífica en #hackathon #NASA #spaceapps 2023
Los miembros son:
Melisa Pérez Alarcón
Marco Ramírez
Fabián Estuardo Juárez
Sara María Pérez Echeverría
Adrián Rodriguez
We developed the ‘Titan City Escape Room: Mission 3023,’ an interactive educational game for kids (between 7 to 10 years old) that addresses the challenge of inspiring and educating future generations of space explorers. The game takes players on a journey to a futuristic world where they must overcome the challenges of space exploration, resource management, and long-term habitation on icy moons and planets in the solar system, approximately 1000 years from now.

Felicitaciones a ganadores de #spaceapps #Nasa #Guatemala 2023
Felicitaciones a ganadores de #spaceapps #Nasa #Guatemala 2023
1er lugar – Equipo 16: Serenscape
2o. lugar – Equipo 20: Tiny Minds
3er lugar – Equipo 12: Nuara

Lanzamiento #spaceapps #Guatemala #Nasa / Octubre 2 / #Intecap #Usac
Lanzamiento #spaceapps #Guatemala #Nasa / Octubre 2 / #Intecap #Usac
La pagina del evento es:
El Playlist del evento de este año con videos es este:
Lanzamiento #spaceapp #guatemala via #conesiee #usac – 10 de septiembre
Lanzamiento #spaceapp #guatemala via #conesiee #usac – 10 de septiembre
Streaming en:

Video Lanzamiento de #spaceapps #guatemala 2020 – 3 y 4 de Octubre
Video Lanzamiento de #spaceapps #guatemala 2020 – 3 y 4 de Octubre
Para mas informaciòn del evento y de como participar en el evento este fin de semana virtual y sin costo:
Alguien quiere ser un #datanauta? #spaceapps #guatemala
Alguien quiere ser un #datanauta?
Para el programa de innovacion e incubacion abierta de la Nasa, Spaceapps en Guatemala que se va a manejar a traves de diversas ubicaciones a partir de junio
Mas informacion: via @searchcloudapps
Jóvenes Innovadores de Guatemala usan tecnología del espacio via @relato_gt #spaceapps #guatemala
Jóvenes Innovadores de Guatemala usan tecnología del espacio via @relato_gt #spaceapps #guatemala
Votemos por #spaceapps #guatemala para ganar el People’s Choice
Votemos por #spaceapps #guatemala para ganar el People’s Choice
Instrucciones: The public will be able to vote once per day for their favorite project. In order to do so, each voter will need to create an account on After two weeks, 5 finalists (those that have received the most votes) will be selected. The public will then vote for another two weeks on the finalists. The winner will be announced in early June.
#spaceapps #guatemala 2017 – Resumen
#spaceapps #guatemala 2017 – Resumen
- Remind global judging nominees + your local people’s choice nominee to submit their 30-second project video by Friday, May 5 at 11:59pm local time. NASA judges will use the videos to evaluate projects and select the winners.
- Get the word out about your local People’s Choice Award nominee! People’s Choice voting is currently scheduled to begin on Monday, May 8th at 9:00am Eastern on This year all local People’s Choice nominees will go to the public vote!
Jurados para #spaceapps #guatemala 2017
Jurados para #spaceapps #guatemala 2017
Alguien se anima a ser jurado? Mas info:
Incubadora de #spaceapps #guatemala
Incubadora de #spaceapps #guatemala
Datanauts 2017 – Interested in participating? #NASADatanauts @OpenNASA
#Spaceapps #Guatemala – Preview of our trophy
#spaceapps #guatemala #nasa visit to #Campustec
Thank you John for you visit and help in our event.
A little bit about him:
His speech tomorrow:
John Sprague, Deputy of the Tech & Innovation Division at NASA HQ and an End User Architect. I’m a retired Air Force Officer before coming to NASA 6 years ago. And I teach Masters courses in Cybersecurity at Webster University.
Truly an honor to be in Guatemala. As I flew in Thursday Night I saw your city. es una cuidad muy bella!
Space Apps Challenge inception in 2012, a part of NASA’s Open Innovation Program
Biggest global hackathon
2014 Space Apps more than 8,000 citizens of 46 countries, and 95 cities hosted local events. Products: mobile apps, games and hardware.
Themes: Earth, Outer Space, Humans and Robotics. This year I’m predicting we’ll hit 10,000 participants in the 136 locations around the world.
Purpose: 1. leverage massive datasets and open source tech, 2. unlock the power of government data to help innovation, 3. provide NASA and others with new and innovative approaches to problem-solving, 4. build a community that we can tap into, 5. engage more women in data
Convert to Spanish, see translation at the bottom to see if it’s correct:
The International Space Apps Challenge is an unprecedented international collaboration between government agencies, organizations and academic institutions from around the world.
The event draws on the talents and initiative of people from around the world, who volunteer their time to respond to real-world problems.
Several organizations and universities, including the U.S. Department of the Interior, the European Space Agency, MIT and Columbia University have provided challenges that encourage people to use open data to make useful products. Some of these organizations are hosting events as part of Space Apps.
The success of Space Apps relies on local organizers around the world, like Ms Maria Zaghi, who leverage contributions from hundreds of organizations that contribute expertise, financial resources, and in-kind support at the community level. We should all thank your local sponsors: TEC, USAC, Tigo, Columbus, and Cerveceria Centro Americana. We want to encourage the youth of the world to participate in events like this.
Alguien quiere dar una charla en el #Spaceapps #Guatemala en #Usac?
El hackathon relacionado a la Nasa este año el TEC lo esta organizando en USAC y tendremos charlas del tema de espacio toda la semana en el Lobby de la biblioteca principal en abril.
Si hay personas o empresas interesadas en un espacio para dar charlas, favor avisar a
Mas info del evento el 11 y 12 de abril:
Ganadores del Space Apps Challenge 2014
Favor ver los ganadores:
#Guatemala #spaceapps – We are hacking in @delVallegt @sitgt
We are in Universidad del Valle with almost 150 hackers, guests and collaborators for the challenge this year. The launching was amazing and our Superintendent of Communications, Eddy Padilla was here to inaugurate our event. Thanks to all our sponsors and collaborators:
Organizadores: Universidad del Valle. Campus Tecnológico
Patrocinadores: Telefónica. 4 acertijos, mBau3D, PDV ,Burgath, Misión Espacial Guatemala.
Voluntarios: IEEE/USAC/UVG, Enactus UVG., Aiesec. Tugo , Red Ciudadana
If anyone in Guatemala, wants to come and visit us tomorrow, please look at: